Market Research | Sales Development

Kuipers Market Research and Sales Developent
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Company profile

Kuipers Market Research and Sales Development focuses on searching, but especially on finding new customers for its clients. .

The strategic approach (“who are our current customers, what kind of new customers do we want and is there a market for our product?”) that mainly emerges in market research, plays an important role: it guides the commercial course of a company.
However, many of Kuipers Market Research and Sales Development’s clients are to be found in the technical and industrial sector. Due to a lack of time, manpower or commercial expertise, these clients require not only strategic advice, but also operational support in the form of market research. Therefore, Kuipers aims to bring the client and the potential client in contact with each other during market research and sales development, both in the Netherlands and abroad, when there is sufficient mutual interest.

Kuipers Market Research and Sales Developent: Industrial Market(ing) Intelligence since 2006.

The strength of Kuipers

Stefan Kuipers

Stefan Kuipers

Sparring partner for marketing and sales in engineering and industry

The benefits

Extensive network

Thanks to years of experience, Kuipers has built an extensive and relevant network.

Results count

We actually put you at the table with your potential clients!

More orders

“New markets, new clients, new opportunities”.

Thanks to the commitment of Kuipers MenM, you get access to new markets and new opportunities, with the right customers.

Years of experience

We put our years of experience in the technical and industrial sector to use for your business.